Friday, February 26, 2010

Oooo Look! A Chicken!

Okay, so I was sitting around at work, trying to stay awake as the adrenalin rush from my Venice love orgy wore off and it struck me that I just don't get to annoy enough people. Just as I started to think of ways to rectify this, a 5150 started screaming at the top of her lungs, swinging at the med staff and pretty much just being an all around obnoxious individual.

That was when it hit me.

Write a blog.

Don't try to follow the logic, you'll get dizzy... just know that it makes sense in my head and since it's my blog that's all that really matters...

Now I am sure that there are some of you out there going "Listen McBitch, we've been waiting patiently for COEM and you run off and write a blog?"

The answer is yes.

Being a member of the OCD community, it is absolutely imperative that I stay as busy as possible at all times or I might notice the seams in the paint that don't line up quite right or, goddess forbid, that my DVD collection could really stand to be organized alphabetically by actress and genre.

Having just finished a HUGE project that lasted well over 5 months, this couldn't come at a better time.

Especially since blogs are all about hearing yourself talk, which is one of my very favorite things to do!

What will I say? Dunno..

How often will I say it? No clue...

I guess you could say this is one of those 'she doesn't really know what the fuck she's doing, does she?' kind of things so... yeah.. .there's your warning.

Oh and, for those of you who might be all excited about breaking my blog cherry (Hey let a girl dream!) I have to say sorry, already been deflowered. I had a little blog that I worked on a couple of years ago... not sure why I stopped... hey... look! A Chicken!

Anyway, as a nostalgic blast from the past I am going to include something from that blog here. For some reason that I can't remember, I got it in my head to blog the Seven Deadly Sins... yeah, expecting that lighting bolt any time now. (But hey, if it didn't catch me when I put cheez whiz on communion wafers and handed them out at Sunday School lunch... then I am thinking God has better things to do than hang out on the net waiting for me to blog.)(Trufax. I called them Jeez-its and yes, I got tossed out on my butt...)

So here it is! I think if you read this you'll get a taste of my flavor (Oooo I just love saying that) and then you can decide if you wanna come back or not. I'll say my goodbyes now. :D

Oh, and stop whining that my first post isn't brand new! This is California! Everyone knows out here all we do is slap a fresh coat of paint on an old idea and call it a remake.

Enjoy. ;)


Death: To stop sinning suddenly. -Elbert Hubbard (1856-1915)

Since I can't seem to ever just go to sleep, I have decide to blog about a few topics known as The Seven Deadly Sins. I am not sure why they are deadly. I have partaken of one or two (Or three or mind) in my lifetime and I am still here. But since I don't want to tempt the fates I won't change their name to something more festive.

Not that I am trying to make light of them. A couple of them really suck. But then, most things do in excess. I do, however, find it amusing that all seven of them are regularly occurring conditions in almost all mortals, and even more so in the gods. (No god in particular, take your pick...)

Nor am I trying to offend anyone. I just tend to say whatever comes to mind so if this vein of blogs is not to your liking, I'm sure another will be along shortly.

In the meantime, I'll just have some fun. Hell, I only have one subscriber anyway. LOL.


Society drives people crazy with lust and calls it advertising. - John Lahr

Ok, to start off this sin-fest, I felt it appropriate to begin at the beginning.


One of my all time favorites and, in my opinion, often misunderstood.

Granted, some lust can be bad. The lust for Power (See Caesar) the lust for what is not yours (See the Greek gods and the thousands of children they sired by taking false forms), the lust for money, lust to fill our addictions of any shape or size. All can be negative powers in our lives without a modicum of self-restraint.

But I believe, and I may be wrong here but its my blog so nya nya, that lust can play a positive role as well. A lust for life is a joy, showing us every day the things that we are blessed with. Lust for our spouse or partner is truly a wondrous thing to share. The lust for knowledge changed the world from flat to round, put the first planes in the air and brought an end to more illnesses than we can ever count.

And then there is the softer side of lust (And no, you don't find it at Sears). I'm talking about desires. The desire to be a good person, the desire to help others, the desire to better ourselves, the desire for happiness and world peace. The desire to eat, drink and breathe at the very basic level.

In the singular, desire is a catalyst in life to make us strive harder. In the plural, it can become a cult.

So I guess the answer for all problems with lust and desire is moderation.

Excuse me while I look up the definition of that word. LOL.


Gluttony is not a secret vice - Orson Welles 1915-1985

My, my, my!! What better day to cover the second pecado mortal than the day after Thanksgiving. (For you Roos out there,'ll just have to imagine it!)

Yes, our sin of the day is Gluttony.

What is it about the holidays? Everything we have to do is always "after the holidays." That diet we need to go on, those bills we need to pay, those vices we need to kick. All of them we put off until after the holidays.

The funniest thing about the holidays is that our mind goes completely out the window when it comes to food. We stuff ourselves silly with so much turkey we are asleep ten minutes after dinner (yay Tryptophan), which for some reason usually happens around two o'clock in the afternoon. I suppose it makes perfect sense if you take into account that we stir from our hibernation around 3 hours later to cut the pumpkin pie (or if your lucky, chocolate silk) and slather it with whip cream until it looks like we are guarding a plate of shaving foam. Two hours after that we are sneaking into the kitchen to make up a fresh turkey sandwich cuz, dammit, we ate too early in the day.

Then comes the REALLY gluttonous period. The entire month of December. Get-togethers and good cheer usually result in too much food, too much drinking, and too much worrying a month later when you STILL can't figure out what happened to the clothes you wore to the party.

This continues through Christmas, at which time we repeat the entire Thanksgiving eating ritual, and then follow it up with champagne until we pass out as the New Year makes its first appearance.

Suddenly, the holidays are over!!!
....hmm.... St. Patricks Day is technically a holiday too right?

Procrastinator's Unite...tomorrow!


Avarice, envy, pride,Three fatal sparks, have set the hearts of all On Fire. - Dante Alighieri

Avarice...hmm...otherwise known as greed. Now this is one really fucked up sin.

It can make you turn on your friends, your family, your country... all to get the bigger, the better, the faster... the more.

And in the end you can sit there surrounded by all your toys and when you die all those ungrateful little assholes you taunted about it will just end up with it anyway...

So what do you get? A lot of creature and no comfort... A lot of possessions and no passion? What the fuck?

I have always held to the belief

That want be sparsely fed,

lest hunger drown desire out

and turn to greed instead.

In other words, it's okay to want... let's just not be a dick about it!

Avarice is the sphincter of the heart.
Matthew Green (c. 1737)


Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired. - Jules Renard

OK, This one is for Ando. Because he asks so nicely. :)

Sloth!! Otherwise known as laziness. Now here is a sin you can really sink your teeth into. And honestly, as sins go, this has got to be the most innocuous.

Who doesn't love a lazy, rainy Sunday afternoon, with nothing to do but watch TV and eat popcorn while cuddled up on the couch with whomever makes your toes tingle.

That kind of laziness I think the whole world could use. Might make us slow down a little on the other six dontcha think? (Well...maybe not lust...)

But I suppose that laziness, as with all vices, can reach the extreme. And in excess, this one can truly furk up your life.

No work, no money, no house, no car. Which leads to the worst horror of all.

No date on Saturday night.

So, to boil it all down to the very base of it (Which I live to do) laziness means no sex.

I mean really...who wants to fool around with some beatnik weirdo who can quote dialogue from every episode of Xen...uh...bad example.

What I meant to say was, love is grand, and it can cost that much, depending on where you make the reservations.

Personally, I have always been too much into spoiling people to be lazy for too long. Can't buy many roses with a welfare check. (And if you do, they get kinda mad.)

Plus, sloth brings to mind a whole slew of personal hygiene issues that I don't even want to discuss, let alone imagine.

So the best argument for not being lazy, is that you wanna get laid.

Somehow we knew I would end up there didn't we?


Not by wrath does one kill, but by laughter - Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

Wrath...that feeling you get in the pit of your Stomach. (No Med, not the urge for an Oreo cookie!) It makes your blood boil and sparks shoot out your eyes.

And if it is righteous anger, then look out! Cuz not only are you pissed, you know you are rightly so and then you can REALLY do some damage.

The interesting thing is, wrath hardly ever produces the outcome that the spurned expected. Where we were hoping to destroy our enemy or wound his ego, more often then not we end up looking foolish and the bastard has won again! So while the enemy is gleeful, our wrath and hate just continues to grow and fester like a poison.

"Hate is the star, it becomes who you are, not the hated but the hater, has a torment that's greater..." - Ming Tien - The Bitter Suite

In other words, the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. And indifference can be a destroyer of nations! The best revenge you can take, is to just not care. Ignore the petty little games and remarks. Ignore the person altogether and they lose their power to hurt you.

It's mind over matter, really. You don't mind cuz they don't matter!

Afterwards, you can always go down to the gym and pin a picture of their smug mug up on a weight bag and go to town.

Or there is always my favorite, Take rock salt and spell out the word PEDOPHILE on his lawn. The more he waters his grass, the browner the word becomes...

Not ALL evil is bad. Sometimes you gotta help karma along a little....


I envy people who drink. At least they have something to blame everything on.- Oscar Levant

For the sixth course in our Buffet o' Sin, I offer up the green eyed monster sauteed in garlic butter and shallots (For that extra spicy flavor!)

Envy, jealousy, invidiousness (Yup! Look it up!) all of which fall under that whole "Thou shalt not covet." thingamabob. Personally, I never saw anything wrong with the coveting part...especially if the object in question has really flat abs and a freckle that just begs to be licked, but I digress.

I always felt the trouble started when you moved from the coveting to the actual stealing. But that could just be me.

We all envy what others have, covet the things we want, lust after what is not ours. Its human nature... and if we were created in the image of 'Insert Deity of choice here', then wouldn't envy be a godly vice too?

I know, I know. I have a somewhat slanted view when it comes to the Gods and/or Goddesses. But then I have a somewhat slanted view of Envy as well.

See, I envy myself. I envy the happiness I have experienced and the love I have known. I envy the beauty I have seen and the contentedness real love and passion can bring. it still a deadly sin to covet what was already yours? Or is there a loophole in there somewhere?

Personally, I think most of the sins are chock full of loopholes. If you know where to look.

And I do believe with all my heart, that we could all do little more coveting of happiness. It being the one thing that only runs out when we let it.


Jealousy is all the fun you think they had. - Erica Jong 1973

And that's all I have to say about that.

Can't find a single redeeming thing about jealousy... except that sometimes it gives me a happy... <>


Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. - Kahlil Gibran

I know this is unusual, but I find myself awake in the middle of the day so I thought I would pay up on that last sin I owe.

So lets talk about pride. There are so many quotes about how pride is a sin, a bad thing. "Pride goeth before a fall." "Be modest! It is the kind of pride least likely to offend." and my personal favorite "The meek shall inherit the earth." Well, I am of the belief that that is what they'll get...dirt.

I was, once again, conversing with my very delightful new friend Katrusa, and we fell upon the subject of what purpose there is in being a good person.

As most people have experienced at one time or another, those who don't care how they get ahead, usually do. Why do bad things happen to good people, etc, etc, ad nauseum.

Is there really karma? Does justice win out in the end? Will people get what they deserve in the next life? Will the bad apples come back as the worms that infest them?

My very learned opinion on the subject is: Who the hell knows.

Which is where I pick up my thread on pride. I know that personally, I myself govern how I behave, and a lot of what I do or won't do is affected by how I will look at myself in the mirror the next day.

As an atheist with a plan B (I love you so much for that Andonan) I cannot rely on the fact that justice will be meted out after my demise. I can only count on what I can see, touch and taste (freckle) right now.

And to be honest I can, and do, take pride in being who I am. The road to hell may be paved with good intentions but at least if it were my intentions that put you there, I would walk the road with you.

I make mistakes, but I take responsibility. I try to make sure of the intent behind my actions and I can honestly say that I have never behaved in an intentionally malicious manner.

Mischievous yes, malicious no.

And if that means that feeling good about the choices I have made and the positive things I have contributed to, is a sin... well... then I'm a sinner. And if someones pride keeps them from committing one evil act...then I say Hallelujah!

Can I get an Amen?


Aaaaaand.. since we're on the subject of religion...

A myth is a religion in which no one any longer believes. - James Feibleman


Celtic, Greek, Roman, Welsh, Egyptian (Wink wink, nudge nudge), Asian....Whatever. Mythology has become a catch all descriptor for the things we don't believe in anymore.

And when I say we, I mean the BIG WE. All of us...yes even you Elf.

At one point or another in all of our ancestral family trees, you can find the spectacle of a complete religious upheaval that came along and really messed up our history books.

Lets start with the Greeks. The Greeks had a god or goddess for everything. No matter what you desired, there was a god you could call to by name to come and help you in your quest. There were the all powerful type, Like Ares and Aphrodite, and then there were lesser gods who had no power outside of their specific job descriptions.

The Romans thought that this was such a great idea, they stole them. Then, being Roman, they decided they would just rename them and no one would know the difference.

Then came the religion of the One God. (Now it would become an argument of which one, instead of how many.) The old gods were ushered out and moved to the Fiction Section, See: "Once upon a time..."

What was once dogma, was now completely refuted and the exact opposite of our original doctrine became the norm. (With a couple of shockingly familiar holidays.)(I mean really, what do bunnies and chocolate eggs have to do with Easter? Think about it!)

How about the Salem Witch Trials. They really happened. But, even now, don't they have that strange "Fable" aura about them? Would it be so hard to imagine that our grandchildren's only experience with that part of our history might be through lurid horror movies and bad ghost stories?

Today, if someone told you they worshipped Ares you would completely dismiss even the remotest possibility that they truly do...unless they are crazy.

THAT is how far away we push the things that threaten how we define ourselves.

They must be complete absurdity.

How many other fairy tales do we have?

How many more will we have next generation?

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